Sunday, September 12, 2010

His will.

EVERY time I pray I just center my prayers around His will. I don't know why but it has become an obsession to pray for His will. I think that is the best kind of obsession to have, you could be obsessed with your looks, or friends, or anything else but His will is by far the best thing to become consumed with.
To be obsessed with God is looking forward to Wednesday nights, not for friends, not for socializing, but that you are craving worship music, and raising your voices and hands for Him.
Recently I have been craving Wednesday nights, and Sunday mornings. Not because I see my friends, but that I get to worship God. And I get to worship God with a group of people I am so fortunate to call my second family.
This church means the world to me, and the family that is at the church, regardless of how often or frequent they are at church, is more than I could ever asked for. I owe it all to God for bringing me these very special people. And for bringing those people together to worship Him.
Being able to say "I can't wait until Wednesday nights!" is what I think being obsessed with God means. To want to surround yourself with the love of God and people who love God as well.

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